Thursday 11 August 2011

Arrival Part 2

 Once I was out of my bag and into my bucket, the thing that is called Dog greeted me. Like this.

She was more interested on if I had some sort of processed cheese treat than to have an intelligent conversation. I soon found out through my human slave person that her name is Lola. She is an “old girl.” I can tell human is very bonded to this Lola. She even picks her up and lets her sleep in her rest palace (which I have found is called “bed”). I’m not quite sure why she has such adoration for this canine, who doesn’t seem to do much. Lola does however follow her around, listening to conversations. She can go where my water limitation cannot. Hm… on second thought, she may be of great use to me. She has been with human for close to 10 years now. She must know secrets and how things work. She can make human take her outside, give her food or treats… Such manipulation must take at least some type of brain activity. Perhaps she could be my new ally. 
Anyways, after the encounter with the Lola, I'm feeling pretty tired. I'm pretty comfortable in my bucket, but it was time to go into my study/lab. Human calls this my "tank". I decided I would go and explore, and then there was a sudden flash!

She had taken my picture. As you can see, I'm a little caught off guard in this one. She took a few more. Understandably so. I mean look how handsome I am.

Soon Human had to go to work, so I was free to do as I pleased.  A well needed nap was my chosen course. It was a long trip, but now, I'm home.

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